AYY:n Suuri vaalipaneeli
Puhumassa: Raija Vahasalo (kok), Antti Kaikkonen (kesk), Mikael Jungner (SDP), Jussi Saramo (vas), Jyrki Kasvi (vihr), Christina Gestrin (RKP), Arto Lahti (KD), Simon Elo (ps)
Paneelin juontavat Saara Hyrkkö ja Henri Lönn.
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Otaniemi Underground Broadcasting System was founded in 1983 as the cable-tv channel of Student Union of Helsinki University of Technology (TKY) (later Aalto University Student Union (AYY)).
In addition to broadcasting 24h in Otaniemi cable network, all content is available on the website. OUBS had a staff of seven people working in the basement of Jämeräntaival 1. The studio and edition facilities were located in the same address with the dorm housing.
AYY replaced OUBS with Student Media Aate on the 31.5.2011. Aate operated only for less than two years before it got closed as well. Now OUBS ry continues from where Aate left off.
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